Friday, September 26, 2008


Some inspirational quotes by Dr. John C. Maxwell. His quotes are very practical to our lives. It's very life-changing when we apply them. I already feel convicted and i want to act on it now...

"The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one."
- One major factor of why we normally don't have breakthroughs.

"Your life becomes better only when you make it better.
- So it seems how our life will be like accordance to our thinking and actions.

"People never care how much you know until they know how much you care."

- The all famous quote !

"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten."
- Another breakthrough robber.

"Believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential."
- I like this, its proven. Whenever people believe in me i will reach my pinnacle. So please ! Believe in me more so I can show you my potential =)

I'm Yours

I don't know why but i'm hooked to the song I'm Yours by Jason Mraz... Song is simple and it feels warm... haha.. Its like in Hawali sitting by the beach with blue skies and playing their 'Ukkulele'.

Oh yea, i found this cover. ps shes cute and with a good voice !

Enjoy !

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New From Apple

Just a few hours ago, APPLE launched it new generation of iPods...

Available in 8/16GB

iPod Touch, new sleek design.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Love Languages.

Ok, this occurred to me something about love languages. It was like one of my long bus rides, i like to ponder and debate about common issues in my head. So i discovered that love languages are types of affection lacking in one's life.

Lets say, Arieo a girl that grown up in an average family. The family meets all her languages but quality time and physical touch are the least. So therefore, these will be her love languages.

I feel it's relatively easy to identify one's languages. However, it requires great effort of sowing into their lives.
To cut the long story short, we just need to sprinkle abit of time/money accordingly to each area to see which part has the most reaction. Once it's identified, one can act fully on that part to really meet the needs.

Yea , thats all folks ! Next post will be about talents i guess. Wanna share my thoughts ! =)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Comfortably Numb

Recently, I have been mesmerized by the songs of Pink Floyd. Particularly the song Comfortably Numb, it is by far the best i have listened. The lyrics are haunting, so is the music. It speaks to me in a very emotional way. It's like times in life, the pressure keeps on piling. Initially you feel vexed, irritated, annoyed and pissed. But as days passes with those feelings continue to harbor. You don't know how to lose it except to endure. And eventually it forges themselves well within you and as a result you have become Comfortably Numb. You are all but shutdown; emotionally shut. In layman terms: emotional suicide.

In the end, you are just a mere human being without emotions, comfortably numb to the world around you.