Sunday, June 28, 2009

long drives

I find pleasure in late night drives.
No one else except me in the driving seat.
Of course, someone else might be missing ;)
oh well =P

So it's me and my music instead.
Cruising down the highway with my favorite songs playing,
singing loudly along with the lyrics.
And when certain slow songs are played, my mind will go into deep thought.
I dig that!
Oh, and the windows will be winded down,
to allow the cool night breeze to saturate the interior creating a relaxing atmosphere.
Absolutely perfecto!
I would feel really really good after that
Great way to loosen and de-stress myself.

So anyone wanna join me on this "adventure" ? haaaa. jokeeee.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Stars

We will shine like stars in the summer night.
We will shine like stars, it will be alright.
One heart, One heart, One heart.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


What's the real definition of happiness?
For me at least.

Is it having all the desired material possessions in the world?
Is it drinking all my sorrows away every night in a pub?
Is it womanizing?
Is it clubbing?

No, I don't want any of those "happiness".
So what do I really really really want to experience true happiness?
Simple, live out my God given dream with no distractions!


Well, that's my godly want but how about my own personal want?
I think it is to love and to be loved in return.
Isn't that something we all yearn for?
Don't ya all agree?

Not that I'm lacking in love or anything...
But there're different kinds of love in which we all need.
Such as Father's love, family love, friends love and etc etc etc.
And each kind of love can only be filled by a certain group of people or by an individual.
If one particular area of love is not filled, we tend to feel insecure even though the rest are at optimal.


Happiness = To love and to be loved in return.
