Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just another dumb post...

The emotions rages deep within me, destroying my self-constructed world. Is there no end to it ?
I feel helpless in the wake of the destruction it has caused.

Can emotions really be that bad ?

I just wanna detach myself from these emotions once awhile. Detach when it's bad and attach when it's good. That I can only wish. They can either make or destroy a person's life. Now i understand why the Institute Of Mental Health exists. I bet majority of the patients there got their mind screwed up by emotions. Sigh....

What I really want, at least for now is to be comfortably numb; refer to 1st Sept 08 post. I just want to be a mere mortal numb to feelings. I need to feel comfortable when numbness strikes. Because it will be a good thing during times of sadness/depression.....

Emotional suicide anyone ?

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