Thursday, August 27, 2009


I was reading some of my past months posts... and boy oh boy i was going eek, WHAT?, OMG and crap. Emo to the extreme with the capital E. They are like rated E-21(Emo-21); very explicit emotional contents which are not for the faint hearted.
gosh, i'm totally surprised that i could write those nonsense and post it up for all to see. Thus as of now, all those posts have been removed.

Ok moving along...

Was having a good chat session with my friend last week, he said he wants to be single for as long as possible. He then told me this which i found quite true. It got me thinking and i wanna pen down my thoughts on it.

Supposedly lets say you live up to 80 years old(average). The ideal marriageable age now a days for guys are 27+(generally). Lets do some maths now shall we...
80 - 27 = 53 which means you will be spending this amount of your life with your wife till you die. Ok lets break it up now... 27 years old, 2 years for courtship so left with 25years.
25 - 21(adult age) = 4 years. 4 years of theoretically speaking, single-hood freedom.

What does that freedom means?
Basically, you are already in-charged of your own life and you answer practically to no-one in a relationship context. You can travel the world and do adventurous things without fear. Do all kinds of things that once you're in a relationship, all are withdrawn or restrain due to responsibilities. Because when your already in a relationship, you will have to sacrifice something that you really like to do. There're bound to be atleast something that you need to forsake due to the relationship rule of give and take. Your lifestyle have to change in a way that makes the other party happy and vice versa.
There's absolutely nothing to worry about when being single; no relationship problems and moody times etc. But yea i know, on the other hand it's bad in a way cos there won't be emotional support only he/she can provide in which i find important.
So yea, there's pros and cons as usual.
Well all i can say is to enjoy single-hood while it last?

Sry its abit messy, my thoughts are abit disorganized and also due to time constraint.
Alrighty then, back to report.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Challenge.

Sometimes I feel my life isn't as challenging anymore.
It's like things are so smooth sailing in a way besides the major project of course.
I feel the more trials and challenges one have in life builds one into a stronger person.
I believe in the greater the trial and heartache equates to bigger destiny.
Look at all those famous people out there...
Eg. Thomas Edison. He had his heart broken after failures and failures on the lightbulb but in the end he succeeded. And the invention changed the world...
I like the saying: let every disappointment be your new appointment.
So literally speaking, if there's no disappointment then there ain't gonna be no new appointment!
Now, i'm paranoid for not going through any new REAL challenges
maybe i do but i just don't realise...hmmm.
In any case, I want to be pushed to my limits; trapped into a corner with no means of escape.
At which would force me to stare adversary in the eyes and conquer it.
I need to go through hardship and be oust from my comfort zone.
Only then, will i be wittier and stronger.

On the other hand, I feel that I have so much untapped potential within me which i aint utilizing.
Note to self* parable of the talents... bury = taken away =\
Ok it's time for me to venture out into new frontiers/wilderness; seeking new challenges
and boldly go where no-man has gone before! or rather myself. haaa

Taken @ Queenstown NZ =)